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Top 10 tips to successfully manage hybrid employees

Hybrid working is here to stay! However, managing hybrid teams is not always easy and it requires a thoughtful approach to ensure your team’s productivity, engagement, and overall success.


Here are 10 tips for the successful management of hybrid employees


Set Clear Expectations

Clearly define the expectations, goals, and deliverables for each member of your team.  Communicate these expectations transparently and regularly and ensure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities, regardless of their work location.


Foster a Culture of Trust

Trust is crucial in a hybrid work environment. Encourage trust by allowing autonomy and flexibility, recognising achievements, and promoting open and honest communication. Trusting your employees’ abilities and judgment creates a positive work environment.


Create Clear Channels of Communication

Create effective communication channels to keep all your team connected. Utilise tools like instant messaging (Slack, Teams, WhatsApp etc), video conferencing, and project management software to enable smooth communication and collaboration.


Regularly Review and Adjust

Schedule times to formally assess your hybrid work strategy. Be open to making adjustments based on feedback and evolving situations. Flexibility is critical in managing hybrid employees effectively.


Provide the Necessary Technology and Resources

Ensure that all team members, whether working remotely at home or at the office, have access to the required technology, equipment, and resources they need to perform their work effectively. This includes IT hardware, software, and reliable internet connectivity and phone signal!


Schedule Regular Check-ins

Schedule regular check-ins with each employee to discuss their progress, address any challenges they may be facing, and share feedback. These can be relaxed catch-ups with a coffee over Zoom or in person when you are both working in the office.


Promote Collaboration and Team Work

Promote collaboration and teamwork among hybrid employees by leveraging collaborative tools and platforms. Encourage cross-functional projects or mentoring and create opportunities for these collaborations to be both virtual and in-person at the office.


Provide Development Opportunities

Provide professional development opportunities to all employees, regardless of their work location. This can include virtual training sessions, webinars, online courses, or access to learning platforms. Utilise the time when the team works together in the office for group training and development.


Ensure work-life balance

Support employees to maintain a healthy work-life balance by encouraging regular breaks, setting boundaries, and encouraging self-care. Create a culture that provides flexibility in work hours when possible to accommodate people’s personal commitments.


Create a Sense of Belonging

Support hybrid employees to feel connected to the company culture and their colleagues. Organise team-building events, virtual social activities, and in-person gatherings when possible to nurture a sense of belonging and camaraderie.


Each organisation and team is unique, so it’s essential to tailor these tips to your own specific circumstances and continuously listen to feedback, learn from experience and be open to adapting strategies to create a successful hybrid work environment.


I would love to hear how you manage your hybrid teams, please feel free to get in contact and let me know!


*The above is not in order of importance!


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Jackson Barnes Recruitment delivers international recruitment solutions within the events, media, and publishing sectors. Jackson Barnes recruits Graduate to MD level in the following positions:
• Researcher
• Conference producer
• Event Marketing
• Sales – delegate, sponsorship & Business Development
• Event Manager
• Editor

We recruit for organisations in the UK and overseas with success in London, Dubai, New York, Singapore and Australia