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The Story of a 2020 Graduate

The Story of a 2020 Graduate According to, between March and June 2020, there were over 500,000 graduate candidates with only 348 graduate jobs posted in the month of June. The pool of Reed’s graduate candidates has grown by 9% from the last year, all fighting for recruiter’s attention. The BBC reported that in…

Events to restart

UK Events to restart in the UK from 1st October 2020   We received the positive news on Friday 17th July 2020 the Events industry has been waiting for. Government has given a proposed restart date of 1st October 2020 (subject to successful pilots & continued progress) for live in-person UK events to go ahead. Conferences,…

Confidence in a time of uncertainty. A woman standing defiant atop a hill.
How to have Confidence in a time of Uncertainty

What is Confidence? Confidence: a word we are hearing in our daily lives more than ever. Confidence in leaving the house. Confidence in going out to eat. Confidence in applying for jobs. Confidence in video call interviews. Confidence in adapting to virtual events. And confidence in our leaders, that our economy and society will soon…

Diversity & Inclusion

Our Renewed Commitment to Diversity & Inclusion Allyship at Jackson Barnes Recruitment The world is not the same place it was just four months ago. It’s been collectively, incredibly painful to navigate a pandemic; realise the very present threat of ongoing systemic racism and the constant obstacles faced by minorities like LGBTQ+ people. But with…

Digital Marketing Candidate

Are you looking for a Digital Marketing Expert who will get results?    We have the perfect candidate for your marketing team.    This graduate is looking to join a high growth company who are looking to develop their digital marketing strategy. She has amazing creative ideas, excellent project & time management skills and get…

Do you have a job to fill?

Do you have a job vacancy to fill?   If you have a job vacancy you would like some help with you can upload your job spec here alternatively if you would prefer to discuss your recruitment needs please contact us 0203 488 2620 or email and we will arrange a time to talk.…