What’s new?
Interview feedback
Interview feedback & Company Branding We know clients spend valuable time creating & managing their recruitment processes and candidates devote a lot of time preparing for interviews. It is widely recognised job seekers discuss their experiences during a hiring process – be it with friends, colleagues or online, and their opinions on how an employer…
Developing New Skills
An experienced Conference Producer explained how developing new skills in digital event production has been a positive experience for her. She has been excited to learn, produce and promote this new event format to the industry / community she works with. This Conference Producer has been super keen to grow her skills & production knowledge,…
Sky is the limit with Digital Events
Once you have made the switch to digital events and your clients & sponsors are comfortable with the virtual element (rather than physically being in the same room together) to network, it seems you really can take these events anywhere – the sky is the limit! According to one of the Product Directors at a…
Monetise Virtual Events?
Swiftly switching to virtual events is challenging for conference businesses from an internal & external perspective. Encouraging the team, audiance and clients to get on board doesnt happen overnight. I had a chat with one of our conference & events clients and asked how they are monetising their virtual events? Great to see even more…
Working From Home
One of our super Conference Producers shared insight into the initial few weeks of #WFH and how their company, manager and team adapted to a working routine which suuited them all. I love the positive about getting to know colleagues better, specifically around hobbies & interests – I am sure it will really benefit the…
First month as a Conference Producer
My first month as a Conference Producer Going into a role in Conference Production straight out of University was daunting, there’s no way of avoiding that reality. Prior to starting, I felt that collecting primary data for my undergraduate dissertation had provided me with a relatively good idea of how to conduct research. While this…