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Five Vital Interview Tips to Ace Your Next Interview
Top 5 Interview Preparation Tips to Ace Your Next Interview

It is essential you are well prepared for an interview if you want to increase your chances of success and getting a new job.   Here are my top 5 interview preparation tips   1. Research the company Sound simple and you would think a quick look at the website would tick this box. I…

Top 10 tips to successfully manage hybrid employees

Hybrid working is here to stay! However, managing hybrid teams is not always easy. Here are 10 tips for the successful management of hybrid employees.

My 5 Top Tips for Managing Stress when Work is busy!

My 5 Top Tips for Managing Stress when Work is busy!   Is it just me or does work feel incredibly busy at the moment? At this time of year it’s always very busy at home with my kids, however this year instead of sports day, music shows and ‘moving-up day’ we have GCSEs and…

Top 7 Practices to support change in the Workplace

These simple 7 practices will contribute to a culture of understanding, engagement, and commitment among teams.

Heading into the bank holiday with this….

I work really hard to secure the best new job opportunities for my events candidates, spending time listening to what they are looking for, and what they need and often working out what has not worked for them in the past (to ensure it’s not repeated). Thankfully, I’ve been recruiting for over 25 years and…

5 Minute Interview with A Senior Conference Producer

5 Minutes Interview with a Senior Conference Producer   How long have you been working in B2B Events? 10+ years How did you get started in conference production? After completing my BA and later, my Masters Degree in Business I found a conference production role and immediately felt it is a great match for my…